The camera is one of the tools used to collect images. Cameras are often used for the safety of homes, highways and others. Then in this study camera captures are used to support fire objects beca…
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a stand-alone wireless network, consisting of several nodes that can move in all directions freely. The routing protocol used as the object of this study is Ad Hoc…
The Lombok Rabbit Pet House is one of the animal shops that sell hamsters in Mataram, Lombok. Not only serving the community around Mataram, this shop is also a supplier of hamsters in several a…
The development of the local food product industry sector of cow skin crackers in the city of Mataram is increasing, especially the small and medium industries that produce these processed produc…
Lombok merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata yang semakin popular bagi wisawatan nusantara (wisnus) maupun wisata mancanegara (wisman). Pada tahun 2015 dan 2016, Pulau Lombok meraih penghargaan Worl…
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the main commodities in Indonesia. One of the inhibitors of rice crop production is disease. Rice plant diseases can be caused by pathogens, host plants or bad enviro…
In the current era of modern globalization, the search for, development and dissemination of environmentally friendly alternative energy becomes very important for the issue of energy availabili…
Abstract - Maize (Zea mays) is the third major food after rice and wheat in the world, and ranks second after rice in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the productivity of the maize crop has increased ev…
Aksara sasak merupakan salah satu dari ragam tulisan aksara di Indonesia. Aksara Sasak khususnya digunakan di Lombok sebagai media komunikasi dari zaman dahulu. Penggunaan aksara Sasak yang makin …
Chili plant (Capsicum Annum) is one of the horticultural commodities whose fruit has a high nutritional value, especially vitamin A and C content. Nationally, the productivity and harvested area o…