Hybrid Application of Roads and Road Fittings Facilities Conditions in the City of Mataram is an application consisting of web applications and mobile applications. The web application is used by …
Sistem pelacakan bus berbasis GPS menggunakan komunikasi GPRS yang merupakan sebuah sistem dimana posisi bus dapat diketahui secara waktu nyata pada perangkat smartphone android. Sistem pelacak m…
Composite is a combination of two or more materials that are arranged in a certain way to get new properties. For this reason, the manufacture of water hyacinth fiber composites with rice husk as…
Almost every human activity needs an eye to support these activities, therefore it will have a bad effect if the eyes experience interference. Disorders that can be experienced in the eye can oc…
Motor induksi banyak digunakan dalam aplikasi di lingkungan rumah tangga sampai di industri-industri besar. Arus starting motor induksi mencapai 5 sampai 7 kali dari arus beban penuh yang mengakib…
VANET is a subset of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) that utilizes wireless technology, which in the VANET network the node is presented as a vehicle and the route for a vehicle is presented as a hig…
Pengeringan adalah pemisahan sejumlah zat cair dari bahan sehingga mengurangi kandungan air di dalam zat padat itu sampai suatu nilai yang dikehendaki. Pengeringan terfluidisasi adalah proses pen…
Biogas is a flammable gas produced from the fermentation process of organic materials by anaerobic bacteria. The principle of making biogas is the decomposition of organic matter anaerobicly (clo…