ABSTRACT Adhesives joint have been widely used in the automotive industry, aircraft industry and electronic industry. However when adhesives joint are exposed in wet environment it may affect th…
Proses milling merupakan salah satu proses permesinan yang banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan suatu komponen. Lama waktu proses permesinan dalam proses milling dipengaruhi oleh pemilihan parameter …
ABSTRACT Water is one of the factors which very important and necessary in the life of living creatures. Therefore, water must be available whenever and wherever in the quantity, timing, and suf…
Bagus Apriyanta Setio Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram Jln. Majapahit No.62 Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kode Pos: 83125 Telp. (0370) 636087; 636126; ext 128, Fax (037…
The process of adsorption of CO2 and H2S using synthetic zeolites and activated carbon is one of the most method to increase the quality of biogas. The objective of this study are to determine the …
Scarcity of raw material availability usual energy as fuel, both for household, industrial, transportation and other tools. Therefore do biogas purification to be used as an alternative energy fuel…
Gasifiikasi merupakan suatu proses thermokimia yang merubah bahan bakar padat menjadi bahan bakar gas di mana proses pembakaran menggunakan asupan oksigen yang terbatas. Gasifikasi umumnya terdir…
In line the population growth, technological developments and the increasing of vehicles, the necesery of fuel is increase. Therefore, the people try to find an alternative fuel that is Ethanol as …
ABSTRACT Composite is a combination of two or more materials which are arranged in a certain way to get new properties on the material results. Manufacture of natural fiber composites is one way t…
Manusia dalam menjalankan kegiatannya tidak terlepas dari penggunaan energi, salah satu energi yang sering digunakan yaitu energi dari bahan bakar fosil. Keberadan bahan bakar fosil yang semakin te…