Abstract- In the study of "Design and Implementation of Emergency Events Reporting Application in Mataram City" was motivated by the number of emergency incidents occurring in NTB province especial…
Abstract - Mataram city has not applied the geographic information system about health facility. It is make people hard to find the information about health facility. The purpose of this research i…
Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Matematika untuk Sekolah Dasar pada Platform Android Wili rahmat Muhamad Universitas Mataram, Mataram NTB, Indonesia [email protected]@gmail.comwilirah…
Abstract-Faculty of Engineering Mataram University has not found yet a specific information system for obtaining further information about their alumni and assisting the faculty to manage the d…
Abstract- Currently the Regional Secretariat of NTB have not specific applications which help to support the trip of the governance in conducting the business trip. The reason of the Regional S…
Pemurnian biogas adalah suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kotoran biogas seperti karbon diokasida (CO2) dan hidrogen sulfida (H2S) untuk mendapatkan metana (CH4) yang lebih baik. Adsorps…
ALTERNATIF RANCANG BANGUN RUMAH MASSAL BERBASIS KONSTRUKSI PANGUNG PADA LAHAN BERKONTUR Haditya Gardjedi1, Jauhar Fajrin2, I Wayan Sugiartha2 1Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Uni…
The development in Information System of Mail and Archives Management at the Governor Office of West Nusa Tenggara is still supported by manual process off disposition, archiving, search, and mail …
This paper presents a Satisfaction Information Systems of Academic Administration Services which is a tool to provide quality assessment of Academic Administration Services of Engineering Faculty, …
Rumah panggung tardisional Bima merupakan salah satu peninggalan arsitektur tradisional masyarakat Bima mempunyai arti penting yaitu mencerminkan gagasan dan perilaku suatu masyarakat. Rumah panggu…