Abstract – In the introduction of Javanese and Balinese script patterns, there are some research that have been conducted to determine the right method with different levels of accuracy. Some fac…
Excellent service is an effort by KPP Mataram Barat to increase taxpayers’ willingness to fulfill their tax obligations. Nowadays, the current measuring system fails to assess service indicators …
Abstract Teeth serve to chew food, say words clearly, form a harmonious face and for a better appearance. Healthy teeth and gums will make it easy to eat well and enjoy good food. There are some pr…
Kecelakaan kerja merupakan suatu permasalahan yang banyak menyita perhatian berbagai organisasi, karena mencakup permasalahan perikemanusiaan, biaya, manfaat ekonomi, aspek hukum, pertanggungjawaba…
Salah satu usaha manajemen lalu lintas yang bertujuan meminimalkan permasalahan lalu lintas yaitu dengan pembuatan median dengan fasilitas u-turn. Pada beberapa ruas jalan ditemui kondisi dimana te…
Fasilitas pejalan kaki ditempatkan di sepanjang jalan atau pada kawasan yang mengakibatkan pertumbuhan pejalan kaki dan diikuti oleh peningkatan arus lalu lintas serta memenuhi syarat atau ketentua…
The administration of government in public delivery requires good governance, which is intended for transparent, efficient and effective safeguards. West Lombok District Health Office (DIKES Lobar)…
The West Nusa Tenggara Department of Manpower and Transmigration (DISNAKERTRANS NTB) is one of the government organizations that assists the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara on labor and transmigrati…